Westery Winds. Before China before the Silk Trail before the bamboo trail.  Before and above Greece Sparta and after. The Old Northern far eastern foot trail.

Westery Winds. Before China before the Silk Trail before the bamboo trail.  Before and above Greece Sparta and after. The Old Northern far eastern foot trail.

Wild black berrie bush auto 
sight stop USA..

Westery Winds. Before China before the Silk Trail before the bamboo trail. The Old Northern far eastern foot trail. Arriving to Ist Old English the North America 1st Old English Colonies Territorial Territory. Westerly winds.
(Now noticeing 1st legal ownership dateing back to 10,000 BC of all of the northern and southern east asia white territories. And over the top white foot trails east Asia westerly across the top to California and Hawaii territorials.) Westerly winds.
All wild blackberry bushes automatically eye sight stop point.