New findings. Eye blurring cataracks dry out in months indoors. +All years Pink ethol Gasoline is overhead too did not fail to the ground. This must be so into the above air light currents for repair including previous drys fast cures.

/imgs/ete-test-findings.jpgNew findings. Eye blurring cataracks dry out in doors dry wood walls "not cement" in 4 to 6 months indoors.
Presto: So if you were using 4 power reading glasses to read print you now see perfectly using 1 power reading glasses. Now vary using no reading glasses.
1 - New findings. Pink ethol Gasoline is overhead too did not fail to the ground. This must be so 
into the above air light currents for repair including above head height. Gasoline to above head height drys cures faster as promised. Then the gas can needs to be also above head height in the garage. Use at your own risk.
Pink ethol gasoline overhead. Cures top of head scrapes easily because the pink ethol gasoline is over the head height.
Pink Fina ethol Gasoline "this is Not ethnol corn gas" is shrinks your eye size view back to the sun burn dried eye sockets.
Use at your own risk.
+Not yellow goop is overhead on your head. Never ever cures.