Copy for server security..Political complaint for the return of all original follage of the United States and territorials and original fence rows follage returned this day. Complaint and foreign murders damages!

Submitted by admin on Sat, 03/02/2024 - 02:08

Political complaint for the return of all original follage of the United States and territorials and original fence rows follage returned this day. Complaint and foreign murders damages!

  1. All foreign correspondance fired and deported. Complaint and damages!
  2. All foreign diplomats fired and deported this day. Complaint and damages!
  3. All brass rings in goverment chased down removed from all positions and money taken from them and deported. Complaint and damages.
  4. All Jews and colorads are not allowed in USA hospitals with scaples nor as doctors. Jews and colorads out of the USA hospital system. Complaint deported and damages.
  5. Isreal Jews sneaked and kosher d all USA factory foods. Jews infected every white person is murder charges against all Isreal jews. Complaint all jews deported from the united states this day+ and damages!
  6. All foreign sales and purchase agents fired and deported this day. Complaint and damages!
  7. All imported hired id police nor fire departments fired and deported this day. Complaint and damages!
  8. All foreign and defrayed of foreign students teachers principals and custodians fired and deported this day. Complaint and damages!
  9. All USA Universities and Colleges closed never to re-open again, Complaint and damages!
  10. Never to return to the Territorial United States Territorials again. 

