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Book pageRed fertilizer pulled thru humans by indoors water based paint. See picture of a bowl of grapes with red fertilizer in front of the tv being drawn into people watching the tv. The fertilizer being drawn thru tge persobs there by the water based p admin017 hours 22 min ago
Book pageSpace shots burns all american heads. Twisted murders soul of the black revolution. Not acceptable here! Get out.-> admin01 week 3 hours ago
Book pageHeavy peppers useage on the head drains off. Pass the eye tests. ​​​​​​​Every eye test of renewal. normal weight in 1 month. Do 50 lbs to 100 lbs weight lifting Practice the 1/64th high print 1 hour.n the head drains Lose weight 10 lbs below normal c admin01 week 5 days ago
Book pageSalt No Pepper refill in the Car. Go. Salt NO Pepper on all food dinners stuffs for 1000001s years. Watch that hamburger taco pizza or dinner rise no longer stagnant water arsenic cyanide poison and cure before your eyes.Then continous past there. admin01 week 5 days ago
Book pageLow boy new ventilation system. New proof the new old ventation system is the only system USA.. - Complaint! A1 industries Isreal drawed usa oxigen air into 2 part masses and took myusa oxigen away to Isreal. Complaint and damages. admin01 week 6 days ago
Book pageHeavy peppers head drains off the right and down. 1 year No peppers cured. December 2025 to January 1st 2027. Complete dry out for cured reset. admin02 weeks 3 days ago
Book pageHomogenized. For regular folks. Wards off bad waters. 10 Not allowed Presidents and a big not repairable damage. Invading murders. Complaint! International worldwide terrorists. Known fense crawling liar. Complaint and damages! admin02 weeks 4 days ago
Book pageHomogenized Christians not christ crusifiers. Christian Hospitals Lunch Rooms are Cured by Salt useage on both sides of all foods in the hospital lunch rooms. By the foods purchaser salt both sides USA.. Sits and eats the salt and No peppe admin02 weeks 4 days ago
Book pageIwo Jima coral seas white war conquered. All foreign russian lawn mowers alright, criminal murders. Complaint and damages! Use at your own risk. did that there, not there. Criminal murders. Complaint and servere damages! Use at your own risk. admin03 weeks 3 days ago
Book pageThe Russian sheriff plus Jew shooters story. The Jew with the sheriff's gun court murder charged that shot the Judge. The shot down the 1st Old English Judge. Blacks in white courts damages and removeal from white courts admin03 weeks 4 days ago
Book pageThere is NO added hauled in black attack en-titlement law in my Territorial Territories. Complaint and murders damages! Jimmy Carter recalled since 1976. Complaint! ​​​​​​​Jimmy Carters attacking hauled in murders forces removed this day. Complaint! admin03 weeks 4 days ago
Book pageWhite people must eat spaghetti and elbo macaroni better. Preferably spaghetti Because its required to splice the system stuffs together at those turns continuous. Pizza can't do that follow gut around because its already formed at a bigger shape. admin01 month 19 hours ago
Book pageSuper Valu Quality governed foods. Des Moines Ia will no longer accept HyVee commnunist foods. Complaint! Des Moines Ia will now only except Super Valu Quality governed foods. Complaint and damages. Use at your own risk. admin01 month 1 day ago
Book pageDes Moines Ia will no longer accept HyVee commnunist foods. Complaint! Des Moines Ia will now only except Super Valu Quality governed foods. Complaint and damages. admin01 month 1 day ago
Book pageBack white white peoples1956 school city waters and now! There is No debates about this. Complaint and damages! admin01 month 4 days ago
Book pageHumans only exist back with forest cover now! All windmills must stop this minute. Evaculating all life of earth. Stop! Complaint! Use at your own risk : No second and third line railroad foreign other rights. Complaint and caused warly damages! admin01 month 4 days ago
Book pageAll windmills must stop this minute. Evaculating all life of earth. Stop! Complaint! admin01 month 4 days ago
Book pageWalmart commanded made to return the forestry of 10,000 years returned back on walmart claims. he tore out. compaint! admin01 month 1 week ago
Book pageComplaint! NASA NAACAST-EP Judeo Franchisco Efrican attacked the United States air mass from other space and depreciated all the air of North America. NASA stopped and removed this day. Complaint! admin01 month 1 week ago
Book pageNAACAST-EP Judeo Franchisco Efrican dredgehead "dredge others heads" contagious and blindness disease removed from the USA this day. Complaint and damages! admin01 month 1 week ago
Book pageThe White people in America heads are being dredged deep dragging efrican diseased. From overhead by efrican invadeing efrican colorads leeches in all the United States. Complaint for the removeal of all head dredgeing colorads from North America and dama admin01 month 1 week ago
Book pageNo word in America is foreign induced. Complaint and damages! admin01 month 2 weeks ago
Book pageFallen leafs on the ground are leaded protection from radiation for the entire public. Complaint and damages. admin01 month 2 weeks ago
Book pageAnti-bacterial soap wash head to toe. Bleach or starch turpentine anti-bacterial soap cures. 6" open top of window only. - 4' wide window screens dumps cataracks peppers. Cataracks blows out the screens 4' to 6' foot wide open window screen admin01 month 2 weeks ago
Book pageMurdered all your relatives and business acquaintance's and friends. Corporate and medical murders jumped all international and state lines. Missing none here. All Russian Jew Efrica and colleges and universitys shut down this day. Complaint and damages! admin01 month 2 weeks ago
