
1 - Not black holes in your arms. Freckles returns in 10 days. Black spots on arms are eating your freckles out of your bones. Use the pink cough medicine topically Freckles returns in less than 10 days. Freckles fades out next day. 
Freckles required every year to return eyesight. Freckles suppy new eyes lenses. freckles drawn lenses eyesight only drawn by sunshine most important eyesight returns each year. Sunburn draws freckles new eye lenses sort of must be every year. No sunburn no freckles no new eye lenses colors can go on 20 years or more. But complete eye failure.
Prestol: Slight sunburn returns. As sunburn can't happen untill off all peppers for 6 months or more. Use at yout own risk.

Presto: No black holes in your arms. You got the slight sunburn freckles are drawn up filling in th top skin layers includeing eye lenses. 
Presto: Your eyesight eye lense values returns. +Eye color pigment returns the eyesight. Use at your own risk.
5 - 6 days of 2 -3 hours of sunburn. Presto: Notice your living room shrunk up smaller as proof of your skin closed up. You witnessed the room eyesight air shrink and cure. Therefore and whereas. 20/20 eye sight. - Now add on the body weight of 125 lbs to 145 lbs of eyes print size eyes able to clamp onto. Cured. Use at your own risk.
Original air forest cover to shrink down the air sight size. Thank you. Use at your own risk.
Submitted by admin Weds, 10/01/2024 - 07:40 pm
Do wash clean bottom half "waist to feet" same way using the turpentine paint thinner once each year for the bottom half.
New. All arm and skeliton bones straight and cured in 1o minutes.  Must wash arms and all open places off with paint thinner. As usual for all shop mechanics always washes off with paint thinner. Witness the dirty kosher blows off gone.
Presto: DEF long gone. DEF diesel trucks additives criminals caught so now your complete human bones skeliton cell structure slips back around to the right. Not left gone and went Presto: All arm bones goes straight back to the right side. No longer following europes forced on the USA DEF contaminate. amen. Presto:
Presto: All earth things goes back around to the right field side. Your entire bone skeliton aligns presto back to the right straight bones alignment. Witness the dirty rotton kosher blows off gone. amen. Use at your own risk.
Presto: Now that you added washing the bottom half with terpentine paint thinner once a year. Your sight view will be from the ground up not looking straight thru there wrong. Presto: Mouth throut returns to smaller size. kosher pooches zooms off to the far right. Kosher spreaders figures out they did not spread that kosher no where. The skies will have cleared producing any open sores and cuts can then heal over. Amen. Use at your own risk.
Presto: You put on apply the turpintine paint thinner. Kosher then flys out from the kosher ones inside the tanks kosher flys out to the right of the kosher person. Use at your own risk.
Presto: AIR all gone while walking along. Get a glass of tap water drink a glass of regular glass of water. Your air breathing automatically returns.
Soon as you drink the glass of tap water your breathing air is there now breathing the brought forth by a glass of water air as usual. That fixes that proplem. If the air disappears again redo drink a glass of water. Go. Ha,ha air disappeared not there thats all that was. Use at your own risk.
Submitted by admin Weds, 09/02/2024 - 07:07 pm
Adding on kidney belt advantages.
Holds in the materials away from the did not spread 3 miles into the right side tore out forestry kidney material holds. Kidney belt keeps inside materials in proper alignment straight up and down. Regular gut works movement up and down produced by the kidney. Now the left kidney did not fly out the left side door to drag 10 miles back over the left back horizon.
Hiway tearouts not able to draw human gut out while traveling.
Kidney belt worn regular.
Kidney belt example if wrapped around top outside of shoulders.

1 - Returns warmth to your upper outside shoulders.
2 - Returns eye water to reduced thick mesh cure eye water.
3 - Being  the kidney belt shoulder cure. Cured and thickened the shoulder skeleton bones and water thickened to the useable bone water now mesh.
4 -Kidney belt example if wrapped around the top of head. Ha,ha. Ah the same kidney belt add on head water reduced to use 
age eye mesh.
5 - Kidney belt warmth around the top of the shoulders heals cut and sores in the face head area. Cures. Kidney belt around outside top of shoulders warmth of now mesh cure. Use at your own risk.
The admin.
OPEN SORES SORT OF TAPPED ON AS WORK BENCH with metal tool. As would drop metal tool on work bench is the sore or open cut. Just like lay the metal tools on a work bench. Use metal sissors or and metal hand tool. Sort of top on the open sore as laying the wrench back on the work bench. Use around the eye bone.  Presto: Your eyes heal  over as work bench. Presto. And sore cut or bump will reside and heal over. AND AROUND EYE BONES. Use at your own risk.
Submitted by admin Weds, 09/02/2024 - 07:36 pm
Lettuce salad only 1 month with 1 table spoon dressing easy lose weight fast. Strickly No add ins. In 3 days now reach around and scrach your back clear up to the top with each hand. In 1 month lose 100 lbs. Month and a half lose 150 lbs easily.
Submitted by admin Weds, 09/02/2024 - 06:47 pm

2 - Returns big step 200 years.
Gentlmen lift the left or right pant leg, In the movies now 4 - 6 big courtesy steps.
ladies lift the left or right dress leg In the movies now 4 - 6 big courtesy steps.

Places your heat exhaust in front of your legs. Replacing your mental capibility in front of your legs.
Presto: big stepping 200 years. use at your own risk.


 3 - E-fliction not there. None. Lift and hop right up no strain.
1st - Look at left hand your going to lift the item over your head with.
2nd - Lift the giant weight up over the head to where to place the item.
You never had any e-fliction at all. None.
Presto: your heat exhaust mental capability is right now back to in front of your hand arm working area.
3rd - Fast get up off the bed couch or chair works same way. Place both hands and under fore arms across under the lower gut area.
Presto: Hop right up no strain at all. Your heat exhaust mental capability is right now back to in front of your middle lower structure hop up working area. Hop right up no strain at all 200 years. use at your own risk.
Submitted Sat, 05/05/2024 - 07:06 pm

1- Twist wash rag down inside mouth throat 10 or more times. 

2- Twist wash rag around and around to the right inside mouth and throat. 10 sets and more.

If the wash rag or towel rolls up 2 feet long now the dubree is gone away to the right 2 feet away from your face throat.

3- Removes all straight down throat wrong pointed hiways. 

4- Removes dubree out of the inside of mouth throat front. Sends all wrong way car foreign clothing dubree dis-appears straight right side exhaust. To the right now not exhaust but pointed to wild forest wild black berries stop view point place. 

Submitted Sat, 05/05/2024 - 07:47 pm

5- Wild blackberry bush grows appears closes the sight distance of air travel.  Now open front way. 

6- Returns the forest field, field back over to the far right side.
Presto: Notice 1/8th inch chapped forehead skin peels off.
5- Wild blackberry bush grows appears closes the sight distance of air travel.
Submitted Weds, 06/26/2024 - 07:47 pm
Sunburn dries out eyesight to 20/20. Sunburn cures straightens arm bones every time. Food taste values returns.

Recently discovered and ligaments and arm bones straighten out up and down with a slight straight sun burn. Presto: No out of up and down arm tendons and bone. Arm bones and tendons ligaments line straight up and down with a slight sunburn. Food taste values returns.
Freckles required every year to return eyesight. Only drawn by sunshine most important eyesight returns each year. Sunburd must every year Prestol: Slight sunburn returns. Well sunburn can't happen untill off all peppers for 6 months or more. Use at yout own risk.
Submitted Weds, 06/06/2024 - 6:30 pm
New cardboard box standing on one corner in the window against the screen.
Presto: The construction guy that tore out the forest and world now dibn't. A peak re-appears from the tore out dis-placement. Use at your own risk.

3rd-1 Hiway construction tearout caused hemophiliacs disease, nuclear d. 
Arms shoulders head nuclear burn thru.
Car Nuclear arm bones burnt off. head bones shoulders bones hands hiway open to car windows nuclear head arm bones burn. Now noticed rub the top front of arms rubbed off the nuclear side ways against the wood grain bath room door. Presto: Cured hands arm bone head back and shoulder bones by honeing the nuclear off against the wood grained door side to side way. Honed off the top bones off the arms rubbed off against the wood grained door. nuclear burn thru from open areas nuclear burn thru rubbed off side way with wood grained door. Gone. New break off the nuclear car windows arm bones shoulder head bones nuclear burn. Place a card board sheet 10 inches to 1 foot wide by about 1 1/2 feet long around the top of the arm. Tape the cardboard together so it stays on the top of the arm as a cardborad bandage. Just leave it on as long as possible. Then move the cardboard sheet bandage to the top of the other arm. Presto: Breaks off the nuclear car window arm break off of nuclear car window nuclear burn from forests tore out and dropped nuclear on the whole country. Now anti nuclear cardboard broke off the car window nuclear arm shoulder head bones nuclear burn.
Submitted Weds, 06/06/2018 - 5:27 pm 
3a -  New. This stops quits voices from off the wall. Elbo's on mostly together  knee caps wrist area shape are a new tooth. Ok now shape that together as a tooth shape resembling  a Jack Lalane gut crunchs. Another way is hands clasped around knee caps. Do 50 sets and reps like this. Resembling a new tooth shape exercise. This style activates the leg muscles with the arm and shoulder muscles in sets and reps. Presto: You repaired that whole area that looks like a new tooth shape but dis-guards the wall air connection. Releasing you from every day business dubree. This will return years of sedimentry loss of eye sight returns. Use at your own risk.

 4 - Hands arms neck back. Apply tooth paste oxygen flouride whitener to hands arms shoulders. Presto: brown water arm rot offs falls off. use at your own risk.
Eyesight eyes is cold never warm or hot. Thereas each cold eyesight is easy to hold the next eye sight frame without sliding off as stuck on the next frame too.
Not micro causums from ditch field water. Apply tooth paste oxygen flouride whitener to under eye sockets. Presto: Eyesight underline tooth paste oxygen flouride whitener is now steady holds eyesight in place. use at your own risk.
Rights reserved. 8in x 8in x 8in square  cardboard box in window against the screen. Produces 1 cold cob web off to the right back side exhaust and gone.  Proclaimed 90% eyesight returns in 1 day. all rights reserved. s a mILES inventor. Use at your own risk.
Apply tooth paste oxygen flouride whitener to lines next to under eye sockets. Presto: Bones under the lines are fixed by the tooth paste oxygen flouride whitener. Lines under next to eye sockets are cured out from the bones.  Presto: lines fall off in 2 days. lines next to under eyes cured from the under bones tooth paste oxygen flouride whitener is now steady holds marks lines not there. use at your own risk.
Do not use gell tooth paste contains poison brown city water. use at your own risk. Presto: the whole store is in the oxygen fluoride world. use at your own risk.

   5 - Ice cream stick. Nose c-clamp. Flubber nose diseased nuclear infected brain disappears. Nose c clamp made from an ice cream stick. Must have the wet of the ice cream still on the stick when bending 90 degrees each side with about 5/8" of an inch in the middle. This is a miricle. Place the new made ice crea  stick c clamp on depressing both sides of the nose. Can add a twister tie across the top if you want to adjust the hold in. This is a miricle. If then worn upside down bottom rung under nose holds bottom rung of nose in while blocking upward traveling debris from hyway streets and proper extra dry lead the cure wood grains are fast dry lead the cure forests tore out. Not stomped out holding forests along damages not, knots are knots each height each direction are able to hold proper materials that are suppost to be there and hold there. This is a miricle. Nose c-clamp then additional wore upside down to block updrafts of not usable foreign debris.This is a miricle. Presto: Nose eyes mouth air sinus track shrinks and stiffens in a few days. No moving nuclear nose, no nuclear moving eyes, no nuclear moving mouth disease. And breathing is thru the bottom of the nose not the side of the nose. use at your own risk.

6 - Your own padlock to your well being property. Trellises along the way. Strong underbrush height.
 Trellises home made brush 4 feet high along the way. Picks out the sticky used clabbard air material and sends it back for renewal but not where throwable by other moving objects. Trellises Forests Overhead Continuous are menthol canopies not syphilis canopies. Forests Enclosed USA.. Straight tree bark in standing forests is iodine the blue print of life. Straight standing tree bark is geared air, geared solar system, geared universe, geared galaxy, geared galaxys, geared forest straight standing tree bark, geared stopped air not micro-causiums.

 7 - Forests Overhead Continuous are menthol canopies not syphilis canopies. Forests Enclosed USA..
Straight standing tree bark in standing forests is iodine the blue print of life.
Owns lead, copper and gold deposits in the ground.
Straight standing tree bark in standing forests is iodine the blue print of life. End.

• Forests Overhead Continuous are menthol canopies not syphilis canopies. Forests Enclosed USA.. Straight tree bark in standing forests is iodine the blue print of life.

8 - Replay Bedbug Replay. My Bed bug Replay Bed bug Back Now. 100 tons bad weather that ate your heat exhaust mental capibility gone. Is gone.
Submitted by admin on Sun, 04/01/2018 - 09:42 pm
 Replay Bedbug Replay. My Bed bug Replay Bed bug Back Now.
The earth is a bed. The bugs live in and produced the beds thereas own the world as beds.
100 tons bad weather that ate your heat exhaust mental capibility gone. Is gone.
My best advantage is bed bugs back now in my bed.
Ah, 2 blankets over the head sleeping like 25 degrees below zero. Zoom my bed bugs back. The 100 tons bad weather gone.

Submitted Sat, 05/05/2018 - 07:06 pm
 9 - Pink cough medicine applied to center of your structural linear area.
Presto: Pink capillaries returns in 2 minutes.
Presto: Next day brand new 6 year old center of the structural linear. use at your own risk.
Submitted Thursday, 06/07/2018 - 6:36 pm 
Ice cream sticks complete head skull bone drie out and cure. Use at your own risk.
Presto: Face bones dries up from weather cured. Use at your own risk.

Submitted Weds, 06/06/2018 - 5:06 pm 
 10 - Bone apart forearm and bone apart head cured. Weathered forearm resuscitation mouth against top forearm. Blow into top of forearm resuscitation and mouth against blow into top of hand resuscitation. Each forearm and hand side. Presto: Cured by replaced the heat exhaust mental capacity. use at your own risk.
Mouth to top of forearm resuscitation and mouth to top of hands resuscitation. For weathered swelled and deteriorated from weathered forearms and hands or arm hardening curls. Mouth to arm resuscitation along the top part of forearms and hands. Presto: Cured the forearms and hands from weathered deteriorated and not curled. Cured by mouth to forearm and hand resuscitation. use at your own risk. 
Slight sunburn only returns arm bones and tendons back in straight up and down line.
Freckles required every year to return eyesight. Only drawn by sunshine most important eyesight returns each year. Sunburd must every year Prestol: Slight sunburn returns arm bones and tendons back in straight up and down line.

From the free essay writer, paragraph line and random word writer online program machine.
Topic: bone apart.

In constructive mathematics, an apartness relation is a constructive form of inequality, and is often taken to be more basic than equality. It is often written as # to distinguish from the negation of equality (the denial inequality) ≠, which is weaker.


An apartness relation is a symmetric irreflexive binary relation with the additional condition that if two elements are apart, then any other element is apart from at least one of them (this last property is often called co-transitivity or comparison).

That is, a binary relation # is an apartness relation if it satisfies:
Submitted Weds, 06/07/2018 - 5:06 pm


Here find your complete forestry returned in 5 minutes. Toilet paper light draped on lamp shade to 1 foot off the floor. Use at your own risk. Works the gut settles through of everyone in the room. The town gut settles from tear ups.
Presto: Returns tree s light downward hold. Not blared out and lost. The persons stuck gut comes loose and works for everyone in the house. Use at your own risk.
Submitted Weds, 06/06/2018 - 8:15 pm
2 quart bottle of water flat on the floor allows water in the room air to roll up back in the ditches. Presto: Clouds that followed indoors and formed indoors can easily find ditches out of doors.

Submitted Weds, 06/06/2018 - 5:16 pm
11 - The yellow gasoline ball the size of your fist in thru your gut. Salt and pepper deficiency allowing yellow gasoline ball the size of your fist into the lower gut below the belly button. If opened, scapled demise of patient in 5 minutes. Salt and pepper everything twice. Salt and pepper ice cream because others countries have claimed money for other products they put in ice cream. Salt and pepper ice cream or after ice cream Salt and pepper. Presto: The yellow gasoline ball pops out in less than 4 - 6 days replaced by salt and pepper. use at your own risk. 
Submitted Weds, 06/06/2018 - 05:26 pm
12 - Tube stocks on the feet shuts off circulation to skull nerves, eye socket nerves, eye nerves and hands nerves. Take the tube stocks off.
Cut 2 inches off the top of the tube stocks. Put the tube stocks back on the feet.
Presto: Circulation returns to skull nerves, eye socket nerves, eye nerves and hands hands nerves. use at your own risk.

Submitted Weds, 06/06/2018 - 5:47 pm 
 13 - This item is reversed replaced.  Christian City code the cures reasons up to the 1979s. By Christian cures city managers. Is not the  dangerous evel distant mixed foreign not wanted ever city code of today.  (This is replaced as up to 1979s automotive felt headliners with dead air space is city christian code returns. Proof is all politics returns to the rightful original christian world way. Felt upholstery around with overhead headliner 3" dead air space please.  Click here.) City code applied lead drip pans. held in place this is funny. Presto: cured by replaced the ancient  dry forest the cure giant tree trunks now reclaimed as extra dry lead the cure. Under the lead drip pans window view line. opps. Replacing the entire window view as extra dry lead the cure. As original city code for all homes and buildings lead drip pans. use at your own risk. Presto: Replaces turns your inter core "that was damaged by other" back around to he right.  Felt upholstery around with overhead headliner 3" dead air space please. use at your own risk.
Submitted by admin: Weds, 06/06/2018 - 07:46 pm

Boys and men roll up shirt sleeves to the top. Presto: Produced roll up sheet arm knots surrounding forests knots so now all mom and dads
abrassions can heal over like knots. Must occur before shoulder time height or becomes a 2 headed fly that cannot heal over the sore or abrasion then eyes high cataracts. Presto: the underbrush and shirt sleeves rolled up works to cure the cuts and abrasions before top of shoulder underbrush height time place. Amen.

14 - Where no tooth is. Pull gums tooth up, using your index finger and thumb. pull gums tooth up, sort of pull gums tooth up sets and reps. Continue off and on until tooth cuts through.
Presto: a new tooth cuts thru in less than 10 days, is a tooth in 1 months time. In mean while cured your mouth face eyes skull cheeks brime. use at your own risk.
Presto: (By the white protestant christian church preacher). you can see 100% better. Your 100% more capable because you cured your gums teeth mouth face eyes skull cheeks area brime. use at your own risk. (By the white protestant christian church preacher). The cure morning due returns next day. morning due resides in the mouth of white protestant christian church members. (By the white protestant christian church preacher). Town grass, shrubs, bush's, town birds, house birds, church birds barn birds reeds weeds forests, all are part of the cure within morning due. use at your own risk.

Submitted Weds, 03/28/2020 - 8:47 pm 
 15 - Stop usa head rot off from rotten window glass rotten glass glassers. Lead back to all windows now. Lead protection back to overhead forests up to the hiway curbs now. Presto: Our solar system returns goes back into the original white forest solor system place. Amen and amen.
Submitted Weds, 03/28/2020 - 9:46 pm
 16 - All hostitals are rabid unusable christ crusifiers. non cured by salt and pepper christian salt doctors and nurses lunch rooms. Contaminated all hostitals and towns usa. Resaon all hospital doctors are to be only White Christians Doctors Workers and hospital staff Reason only. All others are known christ crusifiers that can't and don't use salt to cure the food stuffs in the hospital lunch room. Contaminated the entire town from christ crusifiers within hospital lunch rooms. Presto: Only white christian doctors and stall in usa hospitals. use at your own risk.

About 10 Million 436 Thousand Days to The End Of This Program Set Point.

Solid Lead  Sheets Rolls and Bars. Rolls Lead Sheets and Bars 
1/16th x 24" x 48" $80 Click hereBuy now. Free Shipping.
Solid Copper Window and Door Screen 36" in x 25' feet Holds Out Insects
$145.00 Click hereBuy now.
 Submitted Sat, 05/05/2018 - 07:06 pm

New invention for car hiway wrong designs and 3 back rump dis-figurement each. As in history 2200 years ago stomp em the and the place to death. Ok wind blows thru your head and 3 miles back as the expert designer shows in his car design movies. That goes thru the head blows passages that grabs the food from circulation and sends it 3 miles back. The food that was in the veins then drops dowm the spine causing 3 back rumps and float back heads USA now. Forgot what the cure is. First stop all rounded corners ones designs. Only square corners USA.. Complete forests overhead and around forest cover USA only. #3 back rumps will siphon back up and off by the use of paper noses. Because paper noses won't let the car winds blow thru the nose thru the head and not out back 3 miles with your head matter. Thereas siphons the rumps dumped from the head stuffs out thru the winds instead. Siphons the 3 back rumps back out the top with paper noses.
Amen and amen.




admin's picture


Wed, 05/22/2019 - 08:20


Right buddy. Not black holes in your arms. Freckles returns

Submitted on Wed, 04/10/2019 - 06:37

 Not black holes in your arms. Freckles returns in 10 days. Black spots on arms are eating your freckles out of your bones. Use the pink cough medicine topically Freckles returns in less than 10 days. Freckles fades out next day.

Presto: No black holes in your arms. use at your own risk.


 Returns big step 200 years.

Gentlemen lift the left or right pant leg, In the movies now 4 - 6 big courtesy steps. 
ladies lift the left or right dress leg In the movies now 4 - 6 big courtesy steps.

Places your heat exhaust in front of your legs. Replacing your mental capibility in front of your legs.
Presto: big stepping 200 years. use at your own risk.

 E-fliction not there. None. Lift and hop right up no strain.
1st - Look at left hand your going to lift the item over your head with. 
2nd - Lift the giant weight up over the head to where to place the item.
You never had any e-fliction at all. None.
Presto: your heat exhaust mental capability is right now back to in front of your hand arm working area. 
3rd - Fast get up off the bed couch or chair works same way. Place both hands and under fore arms across under the lower gut area.
Presto: Hop right up no strain at all. Your heat exhaust mental capability is right now back to in front of your middle lower structure hop up working area.Hop right up no strain at all 200 years.


 Hands arms neck back. Apply tooth paste oxygen flouride whitener to hands arms shoulders.Presto: brown water arm rot offs falls off. use at your own risk.
Not micro causums from ditch field water. Apply tooth paste oxygen flouride whitener to under eye sockets.Presto: Eyesight underline tooth paste oxygen flouride whitener is now steady holds eyesight in place. use at your own risk.
Apply tooth paste oxygen flouride whitener to lines next to under eye sockets. Presto: Bones under the lines are fixed by the tooth paste oxygen flouride whitener. Lines under next to eye sockets are cured out from the bones. Presto: lines fall off in 2 days. lines next to under eyes cured from the under bones tooth paste oxygen flouride whitener is now steady holds marks lines not there. use at your own risk. 
Do not use gell tooth paste contains poison brown city water. use at your own risk. Presto: the whole store is in the oxygen fluoride world. use at your own risk.

 Ice cream stick. Nose c-clamp. Flubber nose diseased nuclear infected brain disappears. Nose c clamp made from an ice cream stick. Must have the wet of the ice cream still on the stick when bending 90 degrees each side with about 5/8" of an inch in the middle. This is a miricle. Place the new made ice crea  stick c clamp on depressing both sides of the nose. Can add a twister tie across the top if you want to adjust the hold in. This is a miricle. If then worn upside down bottom rung under nose holds bottom rung of nose in while blocking upward traveling debris from hyway streets and proper extra dry lead the cure wood grains are fast dry lead the cure forests tore out. Not stomped out holding forests along damages not, knots are knots each height each direction are able to hold proper materials that are suppost to be there and hold there. This is a miricle. Nose c-clamp then additional wore upside down to block updrafts of not usable foreign debris.This is a miricle. Presto: Nose eyes mouth air sinus track shrinks and stiffens in a few days. No moving nuclear nose, no nuclear moving eyes, no nuclear moving mouth disease. And breathing is thru the bottom of the nose not the side of the nose. use at your own risk.

Trellises along the way. Strong underbrush height.
 Trellises home made brush 4 feet high along the way. Picks out the sticky used clabbard air material and sends it back for renewal but not where throwable by other moving objects. Trellises Forests Overhead Continuous are menthol canopies not syphilis canopies. Forests Enclosed USA.. Straight tree bark in standing forests is iodine the blue print of life. Straight standingtree bark is geared air, geared solar system, geared universe, geared galaxy, geared galaxys, geared foreststraight standing tree bark, geared stopped air not micro-causiums.

 Forests Overhead Continuous are menthol canopies not syphilis canopies. Forests Enclosed USA..
Straight standing tree bark in standing forests is iodine the blue print of life.
Owns lead, copper and gold deposits in the ground.
Straight standing tree bark in standing forests is iodine the blue print of life. End.

• Forests Overhead Continuous are menthol canopies not syphilis canopies. Forests Enclosed USA.. Straight tree bark in standing forests is iodine the blue print of life.

Replay Bedbug Replay. My Bed bug Replay Bed bug Back Now. 100 tons bad weather that ate your heat exhaust mental capibility gone. Is gone.
Submitted by admin on Sun, 04/01/2018 - 09:42 pm
 Replay Bedbug Replay. My Bed bug Replay Bed bug Back Now.
The earth is a bed. The bugs live in and produced the beds thereas own the world as beds.
100 tons bad weather that ate your heat exhaust mental capibility gone. Is gone.
My best advantage is bed bugs back now in my bed.
Ah, 2 blankets over the head sleeping like 25 degrees below zero. Zoom my bed bugs back. The 100 tons bad weather gone.

Submitted Sat, 05/05/2018 - 07:06 pm
 Pink cough medicine applied to center of your structural linear area.
Presto: Pink capillaries returns in 2 minutes.
Presto: Next day brand new 6 year old center of the structural linear. use at your own risk.

Submitted Weds, 06/06/2018 - 5:06 pm 
 Bone apart forearm and bone apart head cured. Weathered forearm resuscitation mouth against top forearm. Blow into top of forearm resuscitation and mouth against blow into top of hand resuscitation. Each forearm and hand side. Presto: Cured by replaced the heat exhaust mental capacity. use at your own risk.
Mouth to top of forearm resuscitation and mouth to top of hands resuscitation. For weathered swelled and deteriorated from weathered forearms and hands or arm hardening curls. Mouth to arm resuscitation along the top part of forearms and hands. Presto: Cured the forearms and hands from weathered deteriorated and not curled. Cured by mouth to forearm and hand resuscitation. use at your own risk.
Submitted Weds, 06/06/2018 - 5:16 pm 
The yellow gasoline ball the size of your fist in thru your gut. Salt and pepper deficiency allowing yellow gasoline ball the size of your fist into the lower gut below the belly button. If opened, scapled demise of patient in 5 minutes. Salt and pepper everything twice. Salt and pepper ice cream because others countries have claimed money for other products they put in ice cream. Salt and pepper ice cream or after ice cream Salt and pepper. Presto: The yellow gasoline ball pops out in less than 4 - 6 days replaced by salt and pepper. use at your own risk. 

Submitted Weds, 06/06/2018 - 05:26 pm
Tube stocks on the feet shuts off circulation to skull nerves, eye socket nerves, eye nerves and hands nerves. Take the tube stocks off.
Cut 2 inches off the top of the tube stocks. Put the tube stocks back on the feet.
Presto: Circulation returns to skull nerves, eye socket nerves, eye nerves and hands hands nerves. use at your own risk.

4:47pm Submitted Weds, 06/06/2018 -  
 Christian City code the cures reasons up to the 1979s. By Christian cures city managers. Is not the  dangerous evel distant mixed foreign not wanted ever city code of today. City code applied for your car and truck cured. Lead on your car dash held in place with bolts nuts and lock washers or self tapping screws. Place the attached lead sheet straight up from the right side of steering wheel on the flat place on the dash. Oh this is funny. Presto: Cured by replaced the ancient dry forest the cure giant tree trunks now reclaimed as extra dry lead the cure. Under the window view line. Replacing the entire window view as extra dry lead the cure. As original city code for all homes and buildings. use at your own risk. Presto: Replaces turns your inter core "that was damaged by other" back around to he right. use at your own risk. 

Submitted Weds, 06/06/2018 - 07:16 pm

Where no tooth is. Pull gums tooth up, using your index finger and thumb. pull gums tooth up, sort of pull gums tooth up sets and reps. Continue off and on until tooth cuts through.

Presto: a new tooth cuts thru in less than 10 days, is a tooth in 1 months time. In mean while cured your mouth face eyes skull cheeks brime. use at your own risk.

Presto: (By the white protestant christian church preacher). you can see 100% better. Your 100% more capable because you cured your gums teeth mouth face eyes skull cheeks area brime. use at your own risk. (By the white protestant christian church preacher). The cure morning due returns next day. morning due resides in the mouth of white protestant christian church members. (By the white protestant christian church preacher). Town grass, shrubs, bush's, town birds, house birds, church birds barn birds reeds weeds forests, all are part of the cure within morning due. use at your own risk.



Submitted Weds, 03/28/2020 - 8:47 pm 
Stop usa head rot off and. Lead back to all windows now. Lead protection back to overhead forests up to the hiway curbs now. Presto: Our solar system returns goes back into the original white forest solor system place. Amen and amen.
Submitted Weds, 03/28/2020 - 9:46 pm
 All hostitals are rabid unusable christ crusifiers. non cured by salt and pepper christian salt and NO pepper doctors and nurses lunch rooms. Contaminated all hostitals and towns usa. Resaon all hospital doctors are to be only White Christians Doctors Workers and hospital staff Reason only. All others are known christ crusifiers that can't and don't use salt NO pepper to cure the food stuffs in the hospital lunch room. Contaminated the entire town from christ crusifiers within hospital lunch rooms. Presto: Only white christian doctors and stall in usa hospitals. use at your own risk.