Because Isreal is banned world travel. Banned international borders lieing murders kosher spreader. The war enemies 25th knessit liars line. And there on are not allowed in the USA congress. Complaint! All USA Universities closed this day!

The Western World Newark NJ USA Islands. Banned all europe isreal and africa giant leech craft diseased banned from the western world!  Europe africa the only infected giant leech craft line. Throwed stink of earth. Infected blowed up split head split head button for a  head sea salt suckers off my continent this day. Complaint! Use at your own risk.
Before we go on.
Because isreal africa bad blood is banned travel. Lieing murder kosher spreaders. The war enemies 25th kenessit liars line. And there on are not allowed in the USA congress. Complaint and damages! Use at your own risk.

Isreal a likes troups 25th knessit liars Leech Craft Latch the public LINE GET OFF MY ISLANDS TOO. Because isreal the war enemies and there on are not allowed in the USA congress. Complaint and damages! Infected Leech craft infects all visitors latched on deadly leeches. Deadly leech craft throwers. Banned. Use at your own risk.

Isreal colorads is not allowed inmy usa intelligence files. Complaintand retrived damages. Giant leech craft line. Throwed complaint! Damages. Abolished. And word of them jews say from across them waters!  Too! Nor water waters. Nor the jews evil google jews evil google. giant leech craft lines throwed on the United States by jews of google nor field nor crops. Complaint! Use at your own risk.

And the hole found caused in the 25th KNESSIT LIARS LINE greesisi, efrica, franco, juraco, franrico, rusico mixed all bad people Canel leak past the bottom of the sea. Complaint that canal closed this day! Complaint! Use at your own risk.
Black holes in space caused from Isreal kosher spreading. Cure for the black holes is catch the isreal spread kosher out of ate causes servere kosher spouting out the left earth. Carefully return all forests hiway tearouts right back to the curb. Remove all red anti-freese from the market. The law!
Presto: The black holes yellow koshers goop returns cured back to the right side of the hiway narrow trails.


ALL ISREAL FACTORIES, the 25th KNESSIT LIARS LINE  ALL ISREAL PRINTERS, ALL ISREAL the 25th knessit liars line newspapers s closed this day. Use at your own risk. Complaint and damages! Forever! Use at your own risk.

All isreal colorads and colorads removed from the usa army to war camps untill needed sent to war this day. Damages complaint! Use at your own risk.